The Personal Insolvency Regulator (PIR) is a quarterly newsletter from AFSA’s independent Regulation and Enforcement division.
AFSA reports strong regulatory outcomes despite uncertain year
AFSA’s Personal Insolvency Compliance Report 2019-20, published in December, has highlighted the agency’s achievements in an unprecedented year. ...
Spotlight: Compliance and filing of the Statement of Affairs
AFSA recently reviewed completion rates of the compulsory Statement of Affairs forms. The review was encouraging with most people who are bankrupt complying with their obligations, either voluntarily or after contact with the Official Receiver (OR) or AFSA. ...
Share your integrity stories
In June 2020, AFSA launched the Integrity Principles for Trustees and Debt Agreement Administrators, offering the personal insolvency profession a shared vision of good culture. ...
Registration of Personal Insolvency Practitioners: FAQs
AFSA regularly provides information to guide prospective applicants through the registration application process. A few questions were answered in the September and December 2020 editions of the PIR, which you can find at the AFSA Newsroom. ...
ATO Update: new online services for business
This new service replaces the Business Portal and will make it easier for insolvency practitioners to interact with the ATO online. It will also be easier to act on behalf of insolvent clients. Users can customise their homepage, access real-time information (including income tax history and copies of returns), and switch between clients in the same session. ...
New Bankruptcy Regulations
The new Bankruptcy Regulations 2021 are due to commence on 1 April 2021, with the Bankruptcy Regulations 1996 to sunset. You can find the Bankruptcy Regulations 2021 here. ...
Change to Consent to Act form now in place
As part of AFSA’s insolvency compliance program for 2020-21, we are targeting those that provide untrustworthy advice to people who are financially vulnerable. Untrustworthy advisors undermine the integrity of the personal insolvency system and can cause harm and distress to those experiencing financial hardship. ...
Joint and Separate Estates: accounting for Remuneration
As a part of our regulatory role, we consider applications to determine the remuneration of trustees. Recent applications have shown that trustees have failed to appropriately account for remuneration in joint and separate estates. ...
The importance of integrity for insolvency professionals
Registered trustees and debt agreement administrators are reminded to carefully review their fraud protocols, after a former insolvency practitioner plead guilty to fraud and dishonesty charges. ...
Practice Matters
Definitions for “dependent” and “reside”
...Resources for Practitioners
Objections to discharge
...Behavioural insights into the impact that the public record of bankruptcy has on business activity
Nicola Howell from the Queensland University of Technology has explored whether public bankruptcy records impact business activity. A common objective for many bankruptcy systems in developed countries is to provide a fresh start for the debtor. This goal is seen as particularly important for entrepreneurs and those involved in small businesses as governments want to encourage re-entry into the market as quickly as possible after a bankruptcy. This is the case in Australia, where the proposal to reduce bankruptcy to 12 months was designed ‘to foster entrepreneurial behaviour and to reduce the stigma associated with bankruptcy’ – a proposal that is still under active consideration. ...