What is creditor bankruptcy notices?
Creditor bankruptcy notices is an online service that lets you apply for a bankruptcy notice if someone owes you or your company $10,000 or more.
Usually, applying for a bankruptcy notice is part of the process to make someone bankrupt.
For more information on what a bankruptcy notice is, see Bankruptcy notice.
What can creditors do online?
- apply for a bankruptcy notice
- save partly completed applications to complete later
- track the progress of applications once lodged
- track the completeness of the details entered
- provide a draft of the bankruptcy notice for review prior to submission of the application
- update and maintain contact details for online lodgements
- have fees charged to your account
Register for creditor bankruptcy notices
You must register for our Online Services to apply for a bankruptcy notice. You can choose to register your organisation or as an individual user.
To access Creditor bankruptcy notices online services on behalf of an organisation, you need a Digital Identity linked to the ABN in Relationship Authorisation Manager (RAM).
Digital Identity is a safe, secure and convenient way of proving who you are when you want to access services online. Set it up once, and then reuse it whenever you are asked to prove who you are. One of the benefits is that you don’t need to remember passwords. myID is the Australian Government’s Digital Identity app.
Once you’ve created your Digital Identity, you need to link it to an ABN using RAM. RAM is an authorisation service that allows you to act on behalf of a business online when linked with your Digital Identity, like myID.
How you link will depends on your role:
- principal authority – person responsible for the organisation
- authorised administrator or user - is someone who acts on behalf of an entity. To learn more about the Australian Government Digital Identity System, refer to the Digital Identity website.
To access the service with your Digital Identity:
- Select Login
- Select Continue with Digital Identity
- Select myID as your Identity app. You will need a Standard strength Digital Identity.
- After authenticating, you'll be redirected back to Creditor bankruptcy notices
- Enter your user/organisation details
Once you complete these steps, you will have successfully created and be logged in to your Creditor bankruptcy notices online services account.
Individual user
If you do not work for an organisation with an ABN you will need to register to use the online service as an individual user. This requires you to set up a username and password account.
Protecting your identity and preventing identity theft is important to us. For this reason, after registering, you will need to prove your identity to gain full access to online services.
The online proof of identity service allows you to securely submit your identity details for verification. You must complete a 60-point identification check.
Register as an individual user
In the top right-hand side of the creditor bankruptcy notices login page, click the 'Register as a individual' link.
Complete the required fields and select “Register”.
You will be given the option to proceed to complete your proof of identity or defer to a later time. If you choose to defer this, you may draft and save applications, but you won’t be able to submit them until your identity is verified. A link will be available on your online dashboard for you to compete your proof of identity at any time.
Already registered?
You can log back in at the following link:
Making payments
For information on how to make a payment in our online service, see: Creditor bankruptcy notices payment information.
As part of our ongoing commitment to continuous improvement and streamlining our services, Bankruptcy Notices (BNs) have been transitioned to OIS. This provides enhanced user experience for our clients and our people. In addition, it allows our clients to manage their transactions in a more consolidated manner with a reduction in the number of systems to be accessed.
It is the intention to replicate the functionality that supports BNs into the new system. However, some minor changes in screen design and functionality will be seen.
Importantly, there will be no changes to the way the system generates BNs – the data, fields and letters will remain the same.
The key improvements that will be visible are:
- Different system to log into to manage and process bankruptcy notices.
- Reference numbers have been updated so that each bankruptcy notice application and any related extension or amendment have different system reference numbers. This allows for an easy trackable audit trail.
- Enhanced correspondence with standardised emails generated for any interaction with the system. This allows you to know at what point in the process your application is at. If the correspondence has been misplaced, it can be auto generated resulting in more self-service options.
We do not require any Proof of Identity documentation when you register as an individual user.
You will access the new system using the same credentials and method by which you previously accessed BNs.
- If you have an existing OIS account - the BN option will be directly added to that account. Your login details will remain the same.
- If you do not have an existing OIS account – we will make an account for you, using the credentials by which you previously accessed BNs. Simply log into OIS using your previous credentials
If you/ your organisation uses Digital Identity to login into OIS, continue to do so even for accessing BNs. The BN option will be directly added to your account.
As part of the transition, we will copy over all the data related to your account to the new system. You will be able to see every single application, amendment and extension, including any pending drafts which have not been paid for as yet.
Review the User Guide to confirm if the information can be accessed in a different manner to earlier. If that does not answer the question, please contact us on bankruptcynotice@afsa.gov.au
Please refer to the User Guide sent out with the go-live email. The user guide can be accessed from our website here.
The preferred methods for payment are by credit card or Charge against Account. Payment by EFT and downloading a Payment Advice is still available by clicking on Menu > Billing and Payment > Make Account Payment.
Then select Payment for Services > Pay by EFT > Download Payment Advice
The system has been designed to manage two types of amendment applications with different requirements for supporting documentation. The amendment application process is the same for both types of amendment applications, with the only difference being what documentation is required to provide sufficient information. Refer to the Submit an Amendment section in the User Guide for more information.
- Court Ordered Amendment applications require:
- Copy of the modified court / judgment order
- Copy of the marked-up Bankruptcy Notice
- Non-Court Ordered Amendment applications require
- Statement of reasons document
The system will display the Original Reference Number which is for the first bankruptcy notice. And on the screen will show a system reference Number for that amendment or extension.
There are action buttons on the screen to take you to the original bankruptcy notice or to the amendment or extension notice as needed. Refer to the user guide for guidance on how the numbers will display.
If we have returned a BN application to you in the old system, this will transfer over to the new system with the status ‘Returned’. When you update the application and submit it to us for reassessment, the payment option will be triggered again. This is due to a financial reconciliation process between the old and the new system. You will need to complete the payment again for the form to be resubmitted to us.
This problem will only likely occur in the first few weeks after we move to the new system.
We appreciate this is inconvenient and we will refund the fee charged in the new system for submitting a returned form. After completing the payment, please send an email with the BN reference number and the transaction reference number to bankruptcynotice@afsa.gov.au. We will process the refund immediately though refunds may take up to 3 – 5 business days to reflect in your account.