Register for an account

To use AFSA’s online services you need to create an account.

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Create an Online Services account

If you want to apply for bankruptcy or temporary debt protection (TDP) you will need to create an Online Services account and provide proof of identity documents to verify your identity.

As part of this process, you'll need to answer a few questions to make sure you understand what happens if you become bankrupt.

Create a Bankruptcy Register Search account

To find out if someone is already bankrupt you can perform a search using our online service – Bankruptcy Register Search (BRS).

The BRS searches the National Personal Insolvency Index (NPII) – a permanent public record of personal insolvencies in Australia.

If you are a frequent user of the BRS you might benefit from registering for an account, however you do not have to create an account to use the service. For more information see Register for a BRS account.