The new online form was released in early July 2023 which combines the Annual Trustee Return (ATR) form with the Notice of Significant Event form. When you have an ATR due for lodgement, the dashboard will show the due date (as shown below).

If your ATR is not due, the ATR dashboard will advise you accordingly (as shown below)

Review, Edit and Submit ATR
Locate Annual Trustee Return menu in AFSA Online Service Portal
Log into your OIS portal and navigate to the Annual Trustee Return & Notifications menu on the Dashboard.

Review details recorded under each submenu. Only your contact details have been populated. Please review and complete the details as necessary. Note that details completed in your first ATR using the new system will be retained in the portal.
Contact Details and Residency
View your details on the Register of Trustees on AFSA website by clicking on the blue link on the page. Should you need to update any of the contact details, please select the blue pencil icon to edit the necessary fields. If no update to your contact details is necessary, go to the next question – Overseas Residency
Review and edit contact details fields
If no update was made to the page, select the back button.
When you update any of the fields there are a number of mandatory fields on the bottom of the page to advise us on the dates of the event when you were aware of the event. These fields are mandatory.
Once you have reviewed the information select the green Save icon.
Overseas Residency
Please complete the Overseas residency details if you ceased from being a resident of Australia at any time after 1 July 2022.
Practice Details, Memberships & Certificates
Review and complete details of your Practice, Professional Membership, and Public Practice Certificate (as required).
Please note that the date of occurrence is a mandatory field even when NO is selected. When NO is selected, please enter the date of form completion in the date fields.
Insurance Policies, Claims and Refusals
PII and Fidelity Insurance details
Enter details of your indemnity and fidelity insurance. Please ensure that a current copy of your certificate of currency is uploaded.
Please note once your insurance policy expires you can at any time go back into the insurance screen and update the insurance details while attaching the new certificate of currency.
Insurance claims and refusals
If you have not made any insurance claims or have not had any insurance refused you do not need to complete these tabs.

Disciplinary & Other Action
Please complete details of any disciplinary action, insolvency and disqualification when necessary. If you have not been the subject of any of these actions there is no need to complete the fields.

Please note that every reportable event requires completion of mandatory dates of event and awareness.
Review ATR details prior to submission
If necessary, review all the information entered or amended using the Submission history menu.
Submit ATR
When you are ready to submit the Annual Trustee Return – navigate to the Submit Annual Trustee Return
Scroll down to the bottom of the page and select the green Submit button.

Notice of Significant and Other events
In accordance with sections 35-1 and 35-5 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule (Bankruptcy) and section 35-1 of the Insolvency Practice Rules (Bankruptcy), a Registered Trustee is required to notify the Inspector-General of certain events.
These events include changes to your name, your firm name, and contact details. Updates to your name and contact details will be reflected in the online Register of Trustees within 30 minutes.
Change to firm details can be done using this online form, however this will be updated manually by the Practitioner Management Officer upon form submission. Please contact if a change to firm details is not reflected in the online Register of Trustee within two business days.
Support and FAQs
How do I check whether I have lodged my ATR successfully?
- If you have an outstanding ATR for the period, the page will show the due date of your ATR.
Can I print or obtain a PDF copy of my ATR for the file?
- We are making changes to make PDF copy, and an email confirmation upon lodgement
How do I return to the main reporting dashboard to view all of the sub-menus?
- Select the Practitioner Reporting Dashboard breadcrumb anytime to go back to the main menu without saving
For any other questions or support please contact the Practitioner Management Officer on