Who we are

The Australian Financial Security Authority (AFSA) is an executive agency in the Attorney-General’s portfolio.

We manage the application of bankruptcy laws and the personal property securities register within Australia. Our work supports improved community and financial outcomes for consumers and business.

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Our roles

Personal Insolvency

AFSA fulfils the following statutory roles created by the Bankruptcy Act:

Inspector-General in Bankruptcy

AFSA’s Chief Executive is also appointed as the Inspector-General in Bankruptcy. The Inspector-General is responsible for the general administration of the Bankruptcy Act and has powers to regulate bankruptcy trustees and debt agreement administrators, review decisions of trustees and investigate allegations of offences under the Bankruptcy Act.

Official Receiver

On behalf of the Official Receiver, AFSA operates a public bankruptcy and other personal insolvency registry service with coercive powers to assist bankruptcy trustees to discharge their responsibilities. The Official Receiver’s role is to oversee the bankruptcy process, from initial assessment to discharge, exercising its powers in a fair and transparent manner to support the efficient management of a bankrupt’s estate. 

The Official Receiver also maintains the National Personal Insolvency Index which is a fundamental pillar of the Australian credit system providing a publicly available electronic record of certain personal insolvency proceedings in Australia made available on a fee for access basis.

Official Trustee in Bankruptcy

The Official Trustee in Bankruptcy, a body corporate created under the Bankruptcy Act, administers bankruptcies and other personal insolvency arrangements where the administration of the matter is in the public interest, or it is uncommercial for private (registered) trustees to administer. The Official Trustee’s role is to provide a balanced, fair, and orderly regulatory experience when sorting out the financial affairs of people who are unable to pay their debts.

The Official Trustee also has responsibilities for the custody, control and realisation of funds from confiscated assets in accordance with orders made under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002, Proceeds of Crime Act 1987, Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters Act 1987, Crimes Act 1914 and Customs Act 1901.


Personal Property Securities

AFSA also fulfils the following statutory role created by the Personal Property Securities Act (PPS Act):

Registrar of Personal Property Securities

The Registrar maintains the Personal Property Securities Register (PPSR) in compliance with the PPS Act and associated regulations. This includes responsibility for ensuring the PPSR is accessible, effective, and used appropriately. The Registrar has various powers in relation to the PPSR, such as refusing access to the PPSR; removing or reinstating data on the PPSR; conducting investigations into matters; and taking appropriate enforcement action.

Statutory appointments

We publish the details of AFSA’s statutory appointments made outside the Public Service Act 1999 as per the requirements for the Information Publication Scheme (IPS) under the Freedom of Information Act 1982.

Position Officeholder Term Appointed by Act and section under which appointment made
Inspector-General Timothy Beresford From 2 May 2022 for 5 years Attorney-General Section 16 Bankruptcy Act 1966
Official Receiver Michael Gilbert From 1 October 2024 – no fixed term Attorney-General Section 16 Bankruptcy Act 1966
Official Receiver Susan Whitaker From 1 October 2024 – no fixed term Attorney-General Section 16 Bankruptcy Act 1966
Registrar of Personal Property Securities Marcel Savary From 1 October 2024 – no fixed term Attorney-General Section 194 Personal Property Securities Act 2009

Our structure

The Australian Financial Security Authority is an executive agency in the Attorney-General's portfolio.

AFSA organisation structure

Download AFSA Executive Organisation Structure

Our executive

Chief Executive and Inspector-General in Bankruptcy

Tim Beresford joined AFSA in May 2022 and is based in our Sydney office.

Tim is AFSA’s Chief Executive and holds the statutory appointment of Inspector-General in Bankruptcy. He is also the immediate past Chair of the Benevolent Society (TBS), Australia’s oldest non-Indigenous not for profit.

Previously, Tim has held the roles of Acting Chief Executive of the Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade), Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Macquarie University and First Assistant Secretary of the Social Policy Division in the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet. He has significant leadership experience in the higher education, government, not-for-profit, financial services, and professional services sectors. His areas of expertise include strategy, governance, public policy, change management and organisational design. He holds a Bachelor of Economics (Honours), Bachelor of Laws, a Masters of Philosophy (International Relations) and is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

General Manager, Regulatory Operations Group

Emma Greenwood joined AFSA in May 2023 as General Manager, Regulatory Operations Group, based in our Canberra office.

Reporting directly to the Chief Executive, Emma's role as General Manager is responsible for delivering regulatory action and outcomes across AFSA's three lines of regulation – education, compliance, and enforcement – in line with AFSA’s strengthening regulatory posture. Emma leads the four operational divisions: Education, Surveillance and Enforcement, Office of the Official Receiver, Personal Property Securities and Regulatory Programs, and Office of the Official Trustee and Criminal Asset Management, and also oversees the modernisation of service delivery and regulatory practices at AFSA.

Emma has extensive senior leadership experience having worked in a range of roles including as First Assistant Secretary in the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water, and the Department of Industry, Science and Resources. She has also worked as an Assistant Secretary and at the Executive Level at the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, the Treasury and the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission.

Emma is highly practiced in developing and implementing strategy, as well as program design and delivery, and outreach and engagement. She holds an Executive Masters of Public Administration, a Bachelor of Arts (Hons), and a Masters of Arts (Research) in History. Emma is a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and an alumni of the Cranlana Executive Colloquium.

National Manager, Education, Surveillance and Enforcement

Neville Matthew joined AFSA in February 2024 as National Manager, Education, Surveillance and Enforcement, based in our Brisbane office.

For the previous 10 years Neville worked at the ACCC as the General Manager, Risk Management and Policy in the Consumer Product Safety Division, where he developed the consumer product safety function to deliver world-leading, data-informed and risk-based regulatory interventions.

Since joining the APS in 2003, Neville has held multiple senior executive roles across three different portfolios, where he has specialised in regulation, the articulation and delivery of regulatory strategy, and the aligning of compliance operations to strategic objectives. Neville holds an Executive Masters of Public Administration and Graduate Certificates in Public Sector Leadership and Police Studies.

National Manager, Office of the Official Receiver

Sue Whitaker joined AFSA in September 2023 and is National Manager, Office of the Official Receiver, based in our Brisbane office.

Sue has worked in various senior roles across the Australian Public Service, working across workers compensation, telecommunications interception, surveillance and model litigant laws. Sue's roles have involved the management of litigation and the development of legal frameworks and oversight mechanisms both domestically and internationally to support transparency in the use of powers.

Sue holds a Diploma in Law and Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice and is admitted as a legal practitioner.

National Manager, Personal Property Securities and Regulatory Programs

Marcel Savary joined AFSA in January 2023 and is National Manager, Personal Property Securities and Regulatory Programs, based in our Canberra office.

Prior to joining AFSA, Marcel worked across a range of regulatory portfolios in policy and regulatory operations, including: liquor, gaming and casinos; consumer affairs; and work health and safety.

Marcel holds an Executive Masters of Public Administration and Bachelors of Arts and Law.

Senior Director, Office of the Official Trustee and Criminal Asset Management

Michael Gilbert joined AFSA in September 2023 and is Senior Director, Office of the Official Trustee and Criminal Asset Management, based in our Brisbane office.

Prior to joining AFSA, Michael worked for over 15 years across various regulatory portfolios within the Queensland Government, including Treasury and the Department of Justice and Attorney-General. Michael has an extensive background in developing, negotiating and implementing regulatory policy, enforcement and legislative objectives/priorities, along with overseeing customer service and licensing functions in the liquor, gaming and casino sector.

Michael holds a Bachelor of Arts in Politics and Government, a Bachelor of Law (Hons), and is a member of the Golden Key International Honour Society.

Chief Operating Officer, Enabling Services Group

Jennifer Dobell joined AFSA in 2024 as Chief Operating Officer, Enabling Services Group, based in our Melbourne office.

Prior to joining AFSA, Jennifer worked for the Victorian Department of Health as Executive Director Workforce Strategy and Wellbeing. Jennifer’s executive experience spans various roles across the public and private sectors, including positions in the Victorian Department of Premier and Cabinet, Services Australia, the Australian Taxation Office, the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission, and ANZ Bank.

Jennifer is well known for her transformation and workforce strategy expertise. She won national recognition for her delivery of workforce strategy and plans for the Victorian Department of Health and was shortlisted for the 2023 Australian HR Practitioner of the Year.

Acting National Manager People, Finance and Operations

Jenni Pain joined AFSA in 2016 and is based in our Brisbane office.

Jenni leads the People, Finance and Operations Division, as well as being our Chief People Officer. The Division serves as a vital component in supporting Regulatory Operations Group and the broader agency, encompassing People and Culture, Finance, Security, Integrity and Facilities, and Procurement.

Prior to joining AFSA, Jenni held senior leadership roles in human resources at the Digital Transformation Agency and Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, as well as consulting in the private sector.

Jenni holds a Bachelor of Management and holds a CAHRI certification (Certified Senior Human Resources Professional) by the Australian HR Institute.

National Manager, Strategy and Government

Jane Annear joined AFSA in September 2024 as National Manager Strategy and Government, based in our Canberra office.

Jane has 30 years of experience within the Australian Public Service across 6 agencies in diverse roles, including law enforcement, strategy, policy, cyber operations and risk and assurance roles. Jane has also worked overseas as a police liaison officer with the Australian Federal Police, and with the Regional Assistance Mission to the Solomon Islands (RAMSI).

Jane holds a Masters in Applied Criminology and Police Management from the University of Cambridge.

Chief Information Officer

Josh Smith joined AFSA in April 2024 as the Chief Information Officer, based in our Adelaide office.

Josh oversees our core technology infrastructure, cyber security, business applications and data enablement capabilities.

Josh has more than 29 years’ experience in the Australian Public Service, spanning all facets of ICT delivery and management and has held Senior Executive roles in digital transformation and technology management. Prior to joining AFSA, Josh was a senior technology executive at Services Australia, the largest ICT workforce in the Southern Hemisphere. Josh led and shaped shared service portfolios implementing innovative, whole of government approaches to supporting the Australian community.

Chief Transformation Officer

Venetia Blackman joined AFSA in 2024 as Chief Transformation Officer, based in our Melbourne office.

Venetia leads AFSA’s transformation agenda as well as the Enterprise Portfolio Management Office.

Prior to joining AFSA, Venetia held senior roles in strategy, digital and enterprise solutions at the Australian Taxation Office, Digital Transformation Agency and Service Victoria.

Venetia has led whole of government initiatives including the architecture and design of the Trusted Digital Identity ecosystem. National and international awards have recognised the initiatives Venetia has led, including the implementation of the worlds first cross-channel voice biometric solution.

Venetia specialises in digital customer service conceptual design and strategy with particular focus on the integration of technology, business and user process design to ensure holistic solution delivery and realisation of public value.

Venetia holds an Executive Masters in Public Administration.

General Counsel

Fiona Dempsey joined AFSA in October 2024 as the Acting General Counsel, based in the Brisbane office.

Fiona is an outstanding Commonwealth lawyer and mentor with specialist expertise in merits and judicial review. Fiona regularly advises on governance and administrative law matters and has extensive experience in managing Commonwealth engagement with Commissions/inquiries and complex litigation in a range of Commonwealth forums. Fiona also has significant experience managing legal teams, advising on employment issues and workers’ compensation and also has specialist expertise in Defence members’ and veterans’ entitlements.

Fiona has acted for and advised a wide range of Commonwealth agencies and entities, including the Department of Defence, the Attorney General’s Department, the Department of Health, the Tax Practitioners’ Board, the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, the Torres Strait Island Regional Authority, the Registrar of Trademarks, Department of Veterans’ Affairs and the Commissioner of Taxation.

Fiona has previously shared her expertise with Commonwealth clients and colleagues as a presenter on employment and administrative law at AGS legal forums and client training programs.

Fiona holds a Bachelor of Laws, Certificate of Comparative Law, and a Bachelor of Arts.

Last updated