API Channel

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API Channel

The API channel is a way to transact with our Online Services from your own business systems. This means you can build your own interface, integrate your own workflows and business systems with the transactional functionality of our services.

Your business may benefit from a API channel if you have a high volume of transactions. You will need the capacity to develop your own interface and have the resources to support their functionality into the future.

The API channel will not support the initial registration and account creation process. Online Service accounts must be created and maintained via our web interface.

The following Online Services are currently supported by the API channel:

  • National Personal Insolvency Index (NPII) search

The API channel is provided via web services over an Internet Secure Socket Layer (SSL) session.

How to register for our API channel

AFSA uses a OAuth2 based protocol for authentication and authorisation with our API channel. In order to establish a credential for use with our services, you must first register an account in our Online Services.

Register an account

This can be done via one of two authentication mechanisms:

  1. Digital Identity. In order to establish a Digital Identity, complete the following steps:
    1. Create your Digital Identity, such as myID, you’ll need at least a Standard identity strength.
    2. Link your Digital Identity to a business using Relationship Authorisation Manager (RAM).
    3. Login to AFSA Online Services via the home page.
  2. Username & Password: AFSA provides the option of a single factor Username & Password authentication for organizations who cannot use Digital Identity. To register a new organization, click “Register” on the AFSA Online Services homepage.

Configure Billing

Once authenticated to AFSA Online Services, you are required to setup billing and payment information prior to transacting with the API channel.

In order to complete the billing & payment information, from the menu select “Billing & Payments” then “View account details”. You will then be prompted to complete your billing account details.

You are provided with two options for adding funds to your account prior to transacting with the API Channel:


This is where ahead of time you “top up” the balance of your account with a set amount of funds either deposited via credit card or EFT. These funds then deplete as you conduct transactions until you reach $0 at which time the ability to transaction with the API channel is stopped.

Low balance alerts are sent out prior to funds being depleted.

On Account

This is where you arrange for a line of credit with AFSA. Once monthly AFSA will send a payment advice that can be used to pay for transactions in arrears.

In order to apply for a line of credit, complete this form.

Generating API Keys

Once billing information has been configured, you will be able to select “Manage API Keys” from the menu under “User Maintenance”.

You will be required to provide an expiration date of the API Key, AFSA recommends a short expiry and cycling API keys every 12 months.

Once a key has been generated, you will be shown the API Key value and will be able to provide scopes to the key.

Service Documentation

AFSA’s API channel conforms to the OpenAPI 3.1 standard. The following ZIP file contains the YAML service description for generating clients. 


AFSA suggests the use of the Smartbear Swagger Editor for inspection of the API specification. 

Support and troubleshooting

Use this form to report issues or request support for API system integration.

API Support Request Form

Sandpit Access

AFSA offers a sandpit environment that can be used for testing API channel integration. This is done an a by exception basis and requires the completion of the following form.

Discovery (Sandpit) Access Request Form