AFSA Forms

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Form type

Overseas travel request form. Form to request permission to travel overseas while you are bankrupt.

Information on how to access the Bankruptcy Form. To apply for bankruptcy you will need to complete a Bankruptcy Form online. 

To request confirmation that your bankruptcy has ended or you want to know when it’s expected to end complete this form.

Form 8 - proof of debt (POD). A form for creditors for detailing debts and supporting information.

Form 19 - Notice of completion, variation, termination or setting aside of a PIA (Part X), composition or scheme of arrangement (Part IV).

Form 18 - notice of special resolution. Trustees can use this form to notify AFSA of a special resolution passed relating to a composition or PIA.

Form to log an incident or fault with one of AFSA's Online Services

This form can be used to report issues or request support for B2G system integration.

Form 32 - Annual trustee return. Trustees can lodge an annual trustee return through the online portal.

Form 33 - trustee notification to the Inspector-General of significant and other events.

Form 23 - request refund of realisations (RC) or interest charge (IC). A form to request a refund for realisations or interest charges.

During bankruptcy, you must stay in contact with your trustee and inform them when your circumstances change.

Money back claim regarding a previous or current bankruptcy, personal insolvency agreement or debt agreement.

If you want to confirm someone is bankrupt, ask them for the trustee's details and AFSA administration number.

To send us a compliment or complaint about your registered trustee (RT), official trustee (OT), debt agreement administrator (DAA) or AFSA complete this form.