Are you dealing with unmanageable debt? Debt problems can happen to anyone, for a range of reasons. There is help available.
Find out the steps you can take to get help and understand the options available to you.
If you're in financial difficulty it can be hard to know where to go for help.
Find information about where to go for free help with your debt, budgeting and dealing with creditors.
Know what options are available to you and how they can help.
Use our online tools and calculators to help you decide which option may be right for you.
Check if you are eligible and compare the treatment of debts, assets, income and more.
Before you apply for any formal insolvency options, it's important to understand the serious impacts they can have on you.
Find out what may happen to your debts, assets, income, employment, credit, ability to travel and more, so you know if it is the right decision for you.
Once you have sought help and understand which option is right for you, find out how you can apply.
Financial counsellors offer free, independent and confidential advice to help you manage overwhelming debt. Call the National Debt Helpline on 1800 007 007.