Using our online services
Apply for bankruptcy or debt protection with AFSA's Online Services. Learn how to create an account, prove your identity, and complete the forms.
Securely access AFSA's Online Services with your own online account. Follow our step-by-step guide to get started.
Report incidents for Insolvency Services, Bankruptcy Register Search, bankruptcy notices, AAR online, debt agreements, B2G services and OR notices online.
Bankruptcy applications
AFSA offers a detailed guide to help you complete and submit your Bankruptcy Form online. Access examples of completed forms and additional resources.
Learn how to complete your Bankruptcy Form offline if you can't submit your form using Online Services. Be aware of what's needed to complete the form correctly.
Need to submit a Bankruptcy Form for someone else? Learn the steps and requirements to ensure valid submission on behalf of someone else.
Bankruptcy Register Search (BRS)
AFSA's Bankruptcy Register allows you to search the National Personal Insolvency Index for information about an individual's bankruptcy or insolvency status.
Discover tips for conducting a Bankruptcy Register search. Learn how to find the information you need and get an extract or result report based on your search.
The NPII is a publicly available electronic record of some personal insolvency proceedings in Australia. It can be accessed by anyone for a fee.
Create a Bankruptcy Register Search account for efficient access to personal insolvency records. Follow these steps to create your online service account.
Learn how to register and manage user accounts for the Bankruptcy Register Search. This guide provides step-by-step instructions.
Understand the various ways of managing your Bankruptcy Register Search account, including making payments, viewing transaction history, and applying for credit.
Other services
Debt Agreements Online offers a convenient platform for debt agreement administrators and creditors to manage various aspects of their agreements efficiently.
Apply for and manage Official Receiver notices online. Trustees and their staff can benefit from faster turnaround times and fewer returned applications.
Interested in integrating your business systems with AFSA's Online Services? Our API channel allows you to build your own interface and streamline transactions.
About our Online Services
Check the availability of AFSA's Online Services, including scheduled and unscheduled outages. Plan ahead to avoid disruptions in accessing our services.
Find out how you can use your digital identity to access AFSA's Online Services on behalf of your organisation.
When using AFSA Online Services, you must comply with our terms and conditions. Users must provide accurate information and comply with legal requirements.