Lodge a temporary debt protection (TDP) form

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Lodge a temporary debt protection (TDP) form

Once we accept your application, temporary debt protection provides a 21 day protection period in which unsecured creditors (including sheriffs) can’t take enforcement action to recover money you owe them. This means they can’t garnish your wages or have the sheriff/bailiff seize your goods.

Before you apply

Make sure you consider the following:

How to apply

  1. Log in to AFSA Online Services using Digital Identity or your AFSA account - if you don't have either you will need to create an account
  2. Access the TDP form on your Online Services dashboard
  3. Complete the form as best you can - if you are not certain about exact amounts, you can enter an estimated amount
  4. Submit your form through the Online Services dashboard

Help with creating an Online Services account

If you're unable to create an Online Services account, you need to do the following:

  • contact us to request a paper copy of the form
  • make sure you’ve completed all sections
  • sign the declaration
  • submit the form by post to:

Australian Financial Security Authority
GPO Box 1550

Note: your form will be processed faster if you create an Online Services account and complete the form online, rather than post a paper form.

Once we receive your application, your creditors are:

  • notified by us of the 21-day protection period and given a copy of your financial affairs.
  • unable to enforce recovery of unsecured debts for 21 days - this includes garnishing of wages and seizing property.
  • able to start or continue legal action but can't take enforcement action to recover the debt.
  • able to continue recovery for a secured debt e.g. house or car.

After 21 days you are not automatically bankrupt, and creditors can again resume trying to recover their debts.

If we don't accept your application, we will notify you in writing.