Commentary and statistics
See our commentary and statistics on:
Guide to administration statistics
For further information on these statistics, please read the Guide to administration statistics.
Download the data
This zip file contains the full set of annual administration statistics we have published for the 2022-23 financial year. Associated commentary and charts are drawn exclusively from this data set. Individual links to all tables packaged in the zip file are provided on this page.
Full data set:
Data sets
- Annulments
- Bankruptcies in which contributions were paid
- Bankruptcies in which dividends (interim and final) were declared and paid
- Dividends paid in completed debt agreements
- Estimated rate of dividend in debt agreements
- Monies administered by the Official Trustee under Parts IV and XI of the Bankruptcy Act
- Monies administered by the Official Trustee under Part X of the Bankruptcy Act
- Monies administered under Part IX of the Bankruptcy Act
- Monies administered by registered trustees under Parts IV and XI of the Bankruptcy Act
- Monies administered by registered trustees under Part X of the Bankruptcy Act
- Temporary debt protections
- Trustees administering new bankruptcies
- Objections to discharge
- Official Receiver notices
- Part IX debt agreements – proposal status
- Part IX debt agreements - status of debt agreements
- Rate of return in bankrupt estates that were finalised
- Rate of return in personal insolvency agreement estates that were finalised
- Section 305
- Sequestration orders without a submitted statement of affairs
- Types of bankruptcies
- Undischarged bankrupts and other debtors
This publication provides annual information on a financial year basis on the administration of personal insolvencies.