Annual Report 2023–24
Our Annual Report provides an overview of what we have achieved; it details:
- our purpose and our work
- our role as regulatory stewards
- the ecosystem in which we operate
- our collaboration and engagement with others
- our commitment to our people
- our approach to developing our agency’s capabilities.
2023-24 highlights
- Elevating our compliance and enforcement focus to protect against misuse of the personal insolvency and personal property securities systems.
- Establishing the Education and Outreach team to deliver targeted educational information for priority audiences, including people experiencing financial hardship.
- Releasing leading insights publications, including the State of Personal Insolvency System Report and the State of Personal Property Securities System Report. These publications provide an annual snapshot of the systems we regulate, including key statistics and trends.
- Hosting the inaugural AFSA Summit, bringing together more than 100 stakeholders from across the credit ecosystem to discuss contemporary issues affecting the sector.
The 2023-24 Annual Report includes 8 key sections:
- 2023-24 at a glance, including key statistics, milestones and achievements, and AFSA and the PPSR in the media.
- Our agency, purpose, programs and organisational structure.
- Our program to enhance our regulatory effectiveness
- Our report on performance, which outlines our performance framework and contains our annual performance statements and a report on financial performance.
- Legislation, reporting and other actions
- Management and accountability, which reports on corporate governance and how we manage human resources, our assets and purchasing, and environmental performance.
- Financial statements
- Appendices providing details on mandatory reporting information such as workforce statistics, executive remuneration, and expenditure on contracts and advertising.
The Annual Report will be uploaded on in the near future.
Download the Annual Report 2023-24
AFSA's Annual Report has been prepared in accordance with the Annual Report requirements in sections 17AA to 17AJ of the Public Governance, Performance and Accounting Rule 2014 (PGPA Rule).
The Report provides an account of our activities and performance to the parliament in accordance with the Public Service Act 1999 and the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 (Cth) (PGPA Act).
The Inspector-General in Bankruptcy is required under section 12(1) of the Bankruptcy Act 1966 (Cth) (Bankruptcy Act) to provide an Annual Report on the operation of the Bankruptcy Act. Reporting on the operation of the Bankruptcy Act is incorporated throughout this report.
The Registrar of Personal Property Securities is required under section 192 of the Personal Property Securities Act 2009 (Cth) (PPS Act) to provide an Annual Report on the operation of the PPS Act.
Previous AFSA annual reports
Annual Report 2022–23
The Annual Report 2022–23 is available in HTML format on the Australian Government’s Transparency Portal.
Annual Report 2021–22
The Annual Report 2021–22 is available in HTML format on the Australian Government’s Transparency Portal.
Annual Report 2020–21
The Annual Report 2020–21 is available in HTML format on the Australian Government's Transparency Portal.
Annual Report 2019–20
The Annual Report 2019–20 is available in HTML format on the Australian Government's Transparency Portal.
Annual Report 2018–19
The Annual Report 2018–19 is available in HTML format on the Australian Government's Transparency Portal.