Annual reports

The Australian Financial Security Authority (AFSA) annual report details our activities and key deliverables, and measures our performance against our Portfolio Budget Statement targets and the strategic priorities in our corporate plan.

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Annual Report 2022–23

The 2022–23 annual report is divided into 6 sections:

  1. the overview, which contains the Chief Executive’s review, a summary of our key statistics and outcomes from the reporting year, and an overview of the agency including our outcome and program structure
  2. the report on performance, which outlines our performance framework and contains our annual performance statements and a report on financial performance
  3. Legislative amendments and administrative reporting
  4. Management and accountability, which reports on our corporate governance, external scrutiny, freedom of information, people management, assets and purchasing management, and ecologically sustainable development and environmental performance
  5. the financial statements
  6. Appendixes, which include mandatory reporting information such as workforce statistics, executive remuneration and expenditure on contracts and advertising.

Reporting on the Bankruptcy Act 1966 and the Personal Property Securities Act 2009 is integrated throughout the report.

Download the print version

The Annual Report 2022–23 is available in HTML format on the Australian Government’s Transparency Portal.

Our annual report has been prepared in accordance with the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Rule 2014 in sections 17AA to 17AJ.