Popular resources
Explore AFSA's forms for online and downloadable forms related to personal insolvency and Personal Property Securities Register matters.
Many of the dollar amounts in bankruptcy law are indexed to keep pace with the Consumer Price Index. Stay up to date with the latest thresholds and amounts.
Help keep Australia's personal insolvency and personal property securities systems fair for everyone. Learn how to make a tip-off by filling out an online form.
You can submit a referral if you believe an offence may have been committed against the Bankruptcy Act 1966 (the Act).
Practitioner lists
View our current list of registered trustees. These are qualified personal insolvency practitioners who are registered with AFSA.
Learn more about panel the Official Trustee uses to transfer bankrupt estates to registered trustees in order to ensure timely and robust administration.
View the current list of deregistered trustees. These are individuals who have lost their registration to act as trustees under the Bankruptcy Act.
Find a list of currently practicing registered debt agreement administrators, including their contact details, in our online portal.
Guidance and tools
We have developed practice statements to assist you with how the law should be interpreted and to provide guidance on specific insolvency practices.
View our A–Z listing of guidance information, featuring links to relevant legislation, forms, practice statements, and other resources.
Our valuable resources provide insolvency practitioners with expert guidance, tools and real-world case studies of exemplary behaviour.
The PIR is a quarterly newsletter from AFSA's independent Enforcement and Practitioner Surveillance division. Read the latest edition or access the archives.
Explore AFSA's comprehensive list of fees and charges for bankruptcy, debt agreements, personal insolvency services, and more.
Discover how trustees, debt agreement administrators, and the Official Trustee are compensated for managing bankruptcy estates and debt agreements.
Find out more about the current and historical realisations and interest charge rates.
Find out more about AFSA's online services for practitioners.
Learn about the integrity principles that describe personal insolvency practitioners who embrace good culture.
Mental health resources are available to insolvency practitioners and their staff to assist stakeholders in addressing complex personal mental health concerns.
Find out how to register as a trustee or debt agreement administrator.
Read our guidelines on how to inspect publicly available personal insolvency documents, and understand the related privacy and access requirements.