Serving legal documents
To serve legal document such as a Court Order, Summons, Tribunal documents other originating documents, Notice to Produce or Subpoena on the:
- Australian Financial Security Authority
- Chief Executive of the Australian Financial Security Authority
- Inspector-General in Bankruptcy
- Official Trustee in Bankruptcy or
- Official Receiver
- Registrar of Personal Property Securities
You can email your legal documents to This is our preferred option.
If you are unable to email, you can post your legal documents to:
Australian Financial Security Authority
GPO Box 821
Canberra ACT 2600
Bankruptcy Documents Filing Requirements
To lodge documents, make applications or notify events to the Official Receiver or Inspector-General in Bankruptcy see filing requirements.
To find a form see AFSA forms list.
Personal Property Securities Filing Requirements
To lodge documents, forms or applications under the Personal Property Securities Act 2009, please email
To find a form see PPSR Forms