Beware of AFSA impersonation scams

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Beware of scams

If you get an unexpected email, letter, fax, SMS, or phone call from the Australian Financial Security Authority (AFSA), be careful. It might be a scam designed to trick you into paying money.

If you think you've been scammed, call us right away at 1300 364 785 (8.30 am – 8.00 pm AEST, Monday to Friday).

We will sometimes contact you by phone, email, SMS and post. If you’re not sure whether it’s really us, contact us to check and do not reply or click on any links.

Reporting other scams

If you've been scammed in a different way, like someone trying to get your personal information, report it to SCAMwatch.

If you've been a victim of cybercrime like hacking, online scams or fraud, identity theft, or an attack on your computer, you can report it to ReportCyber.

Identifying AFSA impersonation scams in emails and letters

Scammers might try to trick you with emails and letters that look like they're from AFSA, complete with the AFSA logo and address. They might claim that you need to pay money to approve the transfer of large sums of money into your bank account. 

Be careful because these are designed to trick you into paying money. See the example below for things to look out for such as poor grammar, spelling errors, use of all capital letters and figures in USD.

Warning signs it might be a scam

Look out for the following scam warning signs:

  • You receive a message that asks you to click on a link that takes you to a webpage asking for your username, password, or personal information.
  • There is an urgent request for action, and you are asked to provide personal details or money quickly.
  • An organisation that you think is real, tells you there has been an unauthorised transaction, or asks you to confirm a payment that you didn't make.
  • A business asks you to use a different bank account and BSB from the last payment you made.
  • You're contacted by someone pretending to be from a government department, regulator or law enforcement and they threaten immediate arrest, deportation, or ask you to pay money.
  • You're asked to transfer money to an account to ‘keep it safe' or for 'further investigation'.

Examples of scams

Watch out for the following AFSA impersonation scams:


An AFSA impersonation email scam, dated July 2024.

An example of an impersonation scam which is soliciting money.



AFSA impersonation scam requesting money with fake fund ownership certificate.

An example of an AFSA impersonation scam which is soliciting money.



Example image of scam fraud letter

A stop order notice scam.


Example image of stop order notice scam

A stop order notice scam.